version: 12 July, 2022
Calendar of the Sixteen Scrolls
Online Office Hours: Log on to Zoom on Wednesday nights from 7-8pm to ask questions. No appointment necessary, just log on and make some noise to let me know you're there. Please let me know if you would like to speak to me privately and I can easily set up a private chat room, otherwise, it will be a group discussion with whomever logs on. Zoom is available by internet or telephone. Join online at:
Meeting ID: 756 918 9554
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):
+13462487799,7569189554# or
Or Telephone then enter meeting ID (US Toll):
+1 346 248 7799
+1 669 900 6833
+1 312 626 6799
+1 646 876 9923
+1 253 215 8782
+1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 756 918 9554
International numbers available.
Please let me know if you can't make this time and day, and we can set up an appointment at your convenience.
Office Hours are the best place for any questions or individual attention you might need. There may not be time for questions during Raids.
E-mail: (checked daily)
Canvas: you can message your professor directly from Canvas InBox
Pronto: I will monitor the Pronto chat occasionally, available through Canvas and as an app for your phone, this is great place to ask general questions that other students might be able to answer.
Discord: I set up a Necromancer server for this class.
Units: 1.0
Course Description: This course is a practical study of biological anthropology. Students perform field and laboratory studies in genetics, human variation, human osteology, anthropometry, hominid/hominin evolution, comparative primate anatomy, primate behavior, and forensic anthropology. This course is intended for anthropology majors and all students interested in life and/or behavioral sciences. Degree Applicable: Yes
Transferable to UC, CSU
Corequisite: ANTH 102
Advisory: ENGL 101 and MATH 46 or Milestone M30
In-Person Exams: none required, weekly Zoom meetings highly encouraged
Textbook: seperated into 16 Google Docs, one for each week of the class.
Schoenberg, Arnie."Week [number] Scroll" The Sixteen Scrolls of the Necromancer's Initiate: Biological Anthropology Lab. Last modifed [verison date.]
First Day of Class | 1/31/22 | |
Student Add/Drop | 2/11/22 | Deadline to add the class, or drop the classes with no "W" recorded, apply for refund |
Instructor Drop/Census | 2/14/22 | All Instructor drops must be submitted by Noon |
Student Pass/No Pass | 3/7/22 | Deadline for student to select P/NP option |
week off | 3/28/2022 |
no school this week |
Student & Instructor Withdraw | 4/15/22 | Last day to withdraw from classes and receive a "W". No drops accepted after this date. Thereafter, a student must receive a letter grade |
Last Day of Class | 5/28/22 | |
Instructor Grades Due | 6/3/22 | Deadline for instructors to submit final grades; available to students within a week. |
Spring Rituals: March 28-
Week 16: May 23 to 28 (last day of class)
These are you weekly instructions. Read them every sabbath (weekend), and be prepared to work on Monday. You can either read them here or click on the week, date or name to open them as a separate Google Doc.
Putting these videos on in the backgroud may help you keep from getting distracted while studying for this class.
Dark Academia Ambience with Rain for Studying
Dark Academia Library Ambience & Fireplace with Dark Piano Music
Dreamy Night in Howl's Moving Castle
Fireplace Sounds - Medieval Tavern
Halloween at Hogwarts Great Hall Feast
A Night in the Enchanted Forest
Text by Arnie Schoenberg CC BY-NC
Game Music by Holden Prine CC BY-NC
"Flaming scapula cover" by Arnie Schoenberg CC BY-SA 4.0, including modifications of "scapula anterior aspect" by CFCF originally licensed CC BY-SA
"Adjunktus Office [with heartfelt thanks to the Speculum Alchemiae]" by Arnie Schoenberg CC BY-NC
Requiescat in pace et in amore